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2023-10-30 15:42:46 ,,,,,,,,,,

On July 21, rainy days
The weather of today is very comfortable, though the weather forecast said it is cloudy, but just a little bit rain, very cool.
The weather forecast said it is cloudy, and friends about to play basketball, but unfortunately, in the rain can play. Afternoon after the rain stopped to help my mother to buy food supermarket. Generally bad mood today.


本文收集了五年级雨天英语日记优秀范文的日记大全400字, ,,,,,,,,,, 您还可以浏览 日记怎么写 / 日记大全200字 / 日记大全300字 / 日记大全400字 / 日记大全500字 / 日记大全600字 / 日记大全700字 /

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